How to become a Professional Scrum Master™?

How to become a Professional Scrum Master™?

Scrums are one of the best ways for businesses to manage their projects. With the growing popularity of the Agile Scaled Framework, the demand for the Scrum Master is skyrocketing. Today, the only way to stand out and show  your skills is to obtain a PSM™ course. This article will talk about the basics of Scrum, the role of a Scrum Master, and how to get certified.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is designed to be a framework that guides people through complex problem-solving environments in project management. The goal of Scrum is to create the highest value products for your customers. The principles of Scrum are based on the five values ​​of Courage, Focus, Respect, Commitment and Openness.

Each Scrum project consists of a small group of people known as the Scrum team. The Scrum team is made up of the Scrum Master, the Scrum Product Owner and several developers. Each of them has their own goals in the Scrum team. All must work together to achieve the unified goals of the organization or business they work for. PSM™ Certification is meant for the role of a Scrum Master.

Who is a Professional Scrum Master™?

The definition of the Scrum Master can be very narrow when we just say that he has to lead the team. But even with this description, there are several tasks that the Scrum Master must perform in his team. Some of them include:

  • Implementation: The Scrum Master must execute the project that the Scrum team is working on. The Scrum Master integrates the project teams into the organization and manages the communication between the two, for greater clarity and collaboration.
  • Manage Teams: The basic function of the Scrum Master is to manage their teams and make sure they do things the right way. It involves setting goals, tracking progress, and delegating the right tasks to the right people. This is all done to make sure the project runs on schedule and doesn’t derail.
  • Adhere to Agile Principles: Since Scrum teams are based on the principles of the Agile framework, the Scrum Master must ensure that his teams follow these principles. This is achieved by encouraging the use of feedback addressal, continuous integration and work automation, to optimize processes.

Scrum Certification:

To become a Professional Scrum Master™, you must complete an online PSM™ Course in Los Angeles. These courses are taught by certified instructors affiliated with the Scrum Alliance who are known as Professional Training Network Members. This is usually a 2 day workout followed by a 60 minute test where you will get 85% of the correct questions. The questions are of the multiple choice format. After passing this exam, you will officially receive your Professional Scrum Master™ certificate by email from the Scrum Alliance.

Learning to do Scrum and become a Scrum Master is definitely a lucrative opportunity. As this is an easy to learn course and can provide you with many benefits, we strongly recommend that you undergo PSM™ Certification and become a Professional Scrum Master™!

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Noor Ul Huda

About the Author: Noor Ul Huda

Noor Ul Huda Naeem is a Computer Science student. She is also a blogger focused on Meaningful & Core-Bases Youth Development of her country particularly in the domains of Technology, Entrepreneurship, Self-Awareness, Education & Relationships.

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